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So far admin has created 228 blog entries.

I told the agent I was sorry

I was on the phone with an agent on a support line the other day and I told her that I was sorry. No, I didn’t apologize… I’d done nothing wrong… Yes, I was upset, I was disappointed, I was frustrated. But I’d treated the agent with the utmost respect and courtesy and didn’t take [...]

By |2023-01-31T16:34:02+00:00January 31st, 2023|Consulting, CX Culture, CX Strategy, CX Thoughts, Leadership|Comments Off on I told the agent I was sorry

If you’re explaining, you’re losing

The late actor (who also did some other things) Ronald Reagan had a saying:  “If you’re explaining, you’re losing.”  Now, when it comes to popular politics, what he meant by that was that it’s important to keep your arguments simple:  The more succinct you can make your point, the more likely people are to agree [...]

By |2023-01-17T15:00:11+00:00January 17th, 2023|Consulting, CX Culture, CX Strategy, CX Thoughts|Comments Off on If you’re explaining, you’re losing

Walk in other shoes also

If you read much of what I write, you’re aware that one of the best sources of Customer insights and the one I most frequently recommend is Walking in the Customer’s Shoes.  It’s one of the best—if not the best—way for you to understand what your Customers go through when they interact with your brand [...]

By |2023-01-04T15:31:11+00:00January 4th, 2023|Consulting, CX Strategy, CX Thoughts, Leadership, VoC|Comments Off on Walk in other shoes also

CX is not a test

As a math and stats professor, I assign a lot of homework (my cadets can attest to that), but that homework is distinct from the exams I administer.  That’s because the purpose of each is different. When we give homework, the purpose is for practice and learning; getting better at stuff, which is often pretty [...]

By |2022-12-20T15:23:51+00:00December 20th, 2022|Consulting, CX Culture, CX Strategy, CX Thoughts, Leadership, VoC|Comments Off on CX is not a test

When it’s okay to ask

At one point a while back in my career I spent most of my days teaching Lean Six Sigma around the company for which I was working at the time.  From a (much more seasoned) colleague I learned a witty thing to say at the end of each session:  “If you have negative feedback, please [...]

By |2022-12-07T16:06:42+00:00December 7th, 2022|CX Culture, CX Strategy, CX Thoughts, VoC|Comments Off on When it’s okay to ask

How CX is like HR

I’ll often describe CX in terms of an analogy to other operations within your company.  If it’s to make an impact, it should have a charter that includes responsibility for and the moving parts needed to drive changes.  Otherwise, there’s no point in having a CX department in the first place. The conversation usually comes [...]

By |2022-11-22T15:30:06+00:00November 22nd, 2022|Consulting, CX Culture, CX Strategy, CX Thoughts, Leadership, ROI of CX|Comments Off on How CX is like HR

Two problems with your KPIs

Anybody who’s read much of what I have to say about Customer insights and Voice of the Customer (VoC) knows I’m quite critical of legacy KPIs like CSAT and NPS.  Part of that, naturally, is my inherent wiseass contrarian nature, sure.  That said, if I didn’t really believe that there’s a better way to do [...]

By |2022-11-09T16:16:00+00:00November 9th, 2022|Consulting, CX Strategy, CX Thoughts, Measures & Metrics, VoC|Comments Off on Two problems with your KPIs

A moment of truth for entrepreneurs

I recently wrote about how some brands don’t really listen to their Customers when they develop new functions, features, and even new products, and how frustrating that can be.  That’s often because a brand feels so comfortable and strong that they don’t really need to listen.  “We know what our Customers want, we’ve been doing [...]

By |2022-10-11T15:03:54+00:00October 11th, 2022|Consulting, CX Strategy, CX Thoughts, Leadership|Comments Off on A moment of truth for entrepreneurs

Brand Alignment Score: Reduce the subjectivity

I participated recently in another one of these awesome forums where CXers gather to chat and share ideas about our profession.  The main topic centered on VoC approaches, and at one point someone brought up the challenge of interpreting his company’s NPS results.  To paraphrase him, sometimes one Customer may rate an experience as a [...]

By |2022-09-27T16:08:11+00:00September 27th, 2022|CX Strategy, CX Thoughts, Measures & Metrics|Comments Off on Brand Alignment Score: Reduce the subjectivity

Collecting data so you can use it

I once worked with a client who was having a somewhat complicated concern about survey data:  Every time they interacted with a Customer they’d send out a survey invitation.  That was well and good, but they never knew (does anybody?) when they’d get a response.  They put a time limit on the survey in that [...]

By |2022-09-13T14:51:24+00:00September 13th, 2022|Consulting, CX Strategy, CX Thoughts, Leadership, Measures & Metrics, Process Engineering|Comments Off on Collecting data so you can use it
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