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“Treat your employees right” is more than just ‘feel-good’ rhetoric

The world of CX is covered in platitudes and clichés. I don’t say that to denigrate it as a field of study and practice (quite the opposite), but rather just to acknowledge it so as to better combat empty words in favor of making actual impacts. Sometimes clichés are clichés because they’re right. One of those [...]

By |2020-07-28T15:21:45+00:00July 28th, 2020|CX Culture, CX Thoughts, Leadership|Comments Off on “Treat your employees right” is more than just ‘feel-good’ rhetoric

Don’t excuse it…solve it!

Customers don’t care about why you can’t get it done; they just want you to get it done.  Before you say that that sounds unfair, I’m not suggesting they want you to defy the laws of physics and make the impossible possible (well…usually they don’t).  Let me give you a small—yes, trivial—example: The other day [...]

By |2020-08-29T19:44:34+00:00June 10th, 2020|CX Culture, CX Strategy, CX Thoughts|Comments Off on Don’t excuse it…solve it!

Engendering a risk-taking culture

Business philosophers, book writers, keynote speakers, and basically anybody with an opinion on the subject will say that one key to success for an organization is to foster and encourage creativity and curiosity.  That’s surely a good start, but where the rubber really meets the road and awesome things start happening is when members of [...]

By |2020-08-29T19:42:57+00:00May 5th, 2020|Consulting, CX Culture, CX Thoughts, Leadership|Comments Off on Engendering a risk-taking culture

Hiring your CX Team

One of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever done as a leader was build a team.  Whether I’m actively looking or get a random call from a recruiter, usually the most intriguing potential aspect of a job is getting to hire people for a team.  I’ve learned a lot of lessons over the years about [...]

By |2020-08-29T19:41:08+00:00April 24th, 2020|CX Culture, CX Jobs, CX Strategy, CX Thoughts, Leadership|Comments Off on Hiring your CX Team
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