Here’s something going on over on Twitter
As I say, apropos of nothing (Click through to check out the thread):
The new book is out! Pick it up here!
As I say, apropos of nothing (Click through to check out the thread):
On several occasions I’ve had the opportunity to share an anecdote about a leader who once, in exasperation during a conversation I was having with him about Customer-centricity sort of threw up his hands a bit and exclaimed, “well, Z, we could just give every Customer a Ferrari, then they’d be happy.” Without missing a [...]
One of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever done as a leader was build a team. Whether I’m actively looking or get a random call from a recruiter, usually the most intriguing potential aspect of a job is getting to hire people for a team. I’ve learned a lot of lessons over the years about [...]
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